With the exception of a short (30 minute)
rush hour where one may experience
slight congestion in a few areas of the
city, Klamath is a place of clear roads and
short commutes. Driving isn’t always
an option, or even a desire, which is OK
because Klamath has a variety of ride
options, including:
Basin Yellow Cab/
Klamath Medical Transport ✪
(visit BasinYellowCabLLC.com or call
541.884.1159) full taxi and Medical
transportation service.
Basin Transit Service
(visit BasinTransit.com or call
541.883.2877) – In addition to offering
full bus service around the city, offers
Basin Lift program with door-todoor service for seniors and people
with disabilities.
Senior Center ✪
(visit KlamathSeniorCenter.com or call
541.883.7171) – Offering ride services
to medical appointments, gathering,
and events.